To: Barbara O. Schneeman, Ph.D. US Chairman to Codex Alimentarius Commission’s Committee on Nutrition and Foods For Special Dietary Uses
<Barbara.Schneeman@cfsan.fda.gov>, fax c/o Nancy Crane 301-436-2636

Dear Dr.Schneeman:

I oppose finalization of the standard for vitamins and minerals which is agenda item #4 at the Codex Alimentarius Commission’s Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses and demand that all work on finalizing this agenda item cease immediately.

Alan Gaby, MD had an article titled "Safe Upper Limits" for dietary supplements, One Giant Step Backward published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Volume 18 Third & Fourth Quarters, 2003   Numbers 3 & 4. See this article at http://www.iahf.com/20040127.html

The so called "Safe Upper Limits" approach at Codex currently supported by the US FDA is RADICALLY INCONSISTENT with the will of the American people as reflected in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, and isn’t any more scientifically valid than it would be to establish potency levels at RDA levels.

This is a DELIBERATE EFFORT by the FDA to create a global trade standard for vitamins and minerals which would set the US up for harmonization via our signing the SPS agreement, via the WTO, and via harmonization coming through regional trading blocks such as the FTAA.

This push to finalize a Codex vitamin standard based on (so called) "Safe Upper Levels" does not reflect the will of the American people, but rather, the will of The Council for Responsible Nutrition a pharma dominated vitamin trade association whose membership includes Bayer, BASF, Pfizer, Wyeth, and other multinational giants who also favor the restrictive measures inherent in the equally unscientific EU Food Supplement Directive.

If the FDA moves to finalize the Codex vitamin standard, FDA will be in direct violation of current US law as reflected by the FDA Modernization Act of 1997 Public Law 105-115, 111 Stat.2296 (1997) Paragraphs 1-4 of section 803 c.

This amendment made it ILLEGAL for the FDA to take any action intended to set the USA up for harmonization of its dietary supplement laws to a restrictive international standard. I am copying this to Congressman Dan Burton c/o Stephen Schatz fax 202-225-0016 stephen.schatz@mail.house.gov and to my congressman and Senators to demand Congressional Oversight if you fail to heed my demand. Furthermore, I will not vote for any Congressman who favors passage of the FTAA and have visited http://www.stoptheftaa.org to check voting records re (so called) "free trade".


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Information Courtesy of John C. Hammell, International Advocates for Health Freedom 800-333-2553 IAHF.COM