To: "Health Freedom, Codex Issues
Subject: MKULTRA Subproject #119 - Mssg to IAHF From a Victim of CIA Torture
From: John Hammell
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 03:56:54 -0500

IAHF List: The individual who sent me the mssg below is a victim of illegal covert government human experimentation via MKULTRA Subproject 119. To protect him, I have removed his name and email address from the message.

He has a very real warning for all of us. If we do not stop what Bush and the CIA are trying to do via the 911 Psyop Against the world, the fate he has been enduring threatens to become OUR fate as the Illuminati seek to turn this into a prison planet. You can augment your understanding of what the individual below is trying to say to you by reading Jim Keith's book MASS CONTROL: Engineering Human Consciousness, also Brice Taylor's book Thanks for the Memories the Truth Has Set Me Free. Get both at and see my reviews of them there.

I am risking my life to forward this information to you. If anything happens to me, you will know why. If you appreciate this effort to bring you the truth, please send a donation to IAHF POB 625 Floyd VA 24091 USA or via paypal at Anyone can be on the IAHF list. sign up on the aforementioned website or via Please forward this information to others, and please disseminate it via any means available to you. Thank You!
Remember: it is TRUTH that sets us free!

John C. Hammell, President
International Advocates for Health Freedom


I tried to call you and line was busy. MKULTRA Subproject 119 was an offshoot of the original drug and electro-shock program they were working with originally. It uses electro-magnetics to control and monitor unwitting US and foreign test subjects. I can assure you that it can be both physically incapacitating and mental torture until you toughen your mind to it to accept death at any moment. The program seems to be satellite based however they use both ground and airborne operatives to perform what is generally called "street theater", after San Francisco performer's and elsewhere to continue the harassment and torture to provoke psychological responses to both physical and mental trauma. I and many others believe this is being recorded to create a data base that can perhaps be uploaded into a new human like race of robots that are cyborg's to replace the lower skilled workers or key humans on a sub-rosa basis. It is the pandora's box of artificial intelligence that once they let it out of the bottle it may turn on them ala the "terminator" In any case there are several hundred to several thousand of us under various test programs with different agenda's. Some hear voices or thoughts, some get physically tortured, and some get programmed dreams, and some just get the street theater. Some get everything.

Officially MKUltra ended with the Church Hearings in 1977. Unofficially it has never been bigger or more well funded than it is now and uses all of the technology as well as many military and civilian aircraft and satillite systems. Many major US corporations are involved in it to silence whistleblowers and other malcontents that could be embarassing.

I have a copy of the government document obtained under the freedom of information act discussing the subproject that Richard Helms failed to destroy.

It is a life worse than death and more incredible than anything in O'Brien's book.

Your father sounded like a very commendable man. My father served in WWII, had 6 bronze stars. They killed him in 1998 through the technology to observe the reaction in me.