From: John Hammell
Subject: Open Letter to Rolf Grossklaus and Jurgen Kundke: Lack of Transparency at CCNFSDU (Codex Vitamin Issue) Demand that Congress Enforce Paragraph (c)(5)of Section 803 of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act which was added by Section 410(b) of the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997 (FDAMA) which FDA clearly indicates it is ignoring via a letter to me dated June 16, 2000
Date: Sun, 02 Jul 2000 13:54:30 -0400

All Webmasters: Please post.

Everyone: Please forward widely, discuss with your elected officials world wide.

Radio Talk Show Hosts USA,Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa- non English speaking countries by translator: I will be doing shows regarding this letter, email me for more information and to schedule a show.

Congress has failed to provide badly needed oversight on the Codex vitamin issue: we now have conclusive proof via a letter from FDA that FDA is violating US Vitamin Law at CODEX. FDA's letter from L.Robert Lake dated June 16, 2000 will be posted soon at
Congress has been influenced by spin control emanating from pharmaceutically dominated vitamin trade associations, so has done nothing to protect us.
Vitamin consumers world wide must take notice of what is happening inside the USA, and join forces with IAHF to expose it.

To: Rolf Grossklaus, Chairman, Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses
Jurgen Kundke, Press Officer, Bgvv (German FDA)

July 2, 2000
(on the eve of American Independence Day)

Dear Dr.Grosklaus and Mr.Kundke:

I never had any response to the email below in which I offered to provide you with "proof" of my press credentials in order to offset the doubt you'd expressed in your previous email. So much for Freedom of the Press in Germany. I gather that just prior to your discussing the Codex vitamin issue at the CCNFSDU meeting on June 19th you made the following statement Dr.Grossklaus: "Although John Hammell has been removed from the US delegation, there is freedom of the press here in Germany, so of course Mr. Hammell is welcome to attend this meeting as a reporter."

As a point in fact, I wasn't any more welcome than my friend Dr. Rath who you threatened with arrest if he didn't leave the premises of the Bgvv after showing up in your cafeteria with GS Odin from the New Zealand delegation. Although I didn't see it, I heard about the attack piece against Dr.Rath that aired on German TV just before the Codex meeting started. It seems that all the anti Codex billboards that Dr.Rath had put up on the sides of buses, on billboards, and in train stations all over Berlin, combined with the flood of form letters sent to all Codex delegates informing them that they would be charged with committing crimes against humanity if they assisted in advancing a Codex vitamin "standard" hit a raw nerve.

If Dr.Rath had refused to leave Bgvv premises on June 19th, what would the charges against him have been?
Attempting to expose crimes against humanity???

I realize you probably think I wasn't inside your meeting, but just so you realize it, I WAS there: People on no less than 5 different countries delegations served as my eyes and ears and reported what was going on inside to me out in the STREET where I choose to spend my time as a journalist videotaping Dr.Rath's demonstration against your meeting since Rath had no problem with videotaping, but you clearly do. You haven't even been allowing still photography in your zeal to conceal what is going on inside your meetings. You don't want anyone being able to minutely examine body language, voice inflections, and you don't want the public to be able to see any of what goes on inside your meetings too closely. This is why the Bgvv building where the meeting is held is behind barbed wire, with a "Checkpoint Charley" type guardhouse out at the massive security gate that you roll across the road to block cars that you wish to block, isn't it? This is why you felt it necessary to have Berlin police wearing riot gear present, isn't it?

You stated in your meeting that there is "Freedom of the Press" in Germany, and that "John Hammell is of course welcome to attend as a reporter."

Face it Dr.Grossklaus: there is no transparency inside your meetings. If there WERE, you would ALLOW videotaping and still photography, and Juergen Kundke would have responded to my email below prior to my leaving for Berlin. As long as there is this lack of TRUE TRANSPARENCY, there will be DEMONSTRATORS outside in the street, and I will be back with them in two years because as long as there is no TRUE TRANSPARENCY, there will be POLARIZATION and we won't have any choice but to bring American styled protest into the mix.

Under US law, which the FDA has been violating at your meetings, the ONLY thing the FDA is legally allowed to advocate is that all efforts to build consensus on the Codex vitamin issue immediately CEASE!

Senator Hatch, Congressman Burton, Please take note:

It is not LEGAL for the FDA to take ANY ACTION intended to BUILD CONSENSUS towards eventual passage of a highly restrictive Codex vitamin standard. In a letter dated June 16, 2000 from L.Robert Lake, Director, Office of Regulations and Policy, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition at FDA he discusses FDA's interpretation of Section 803, paragraph (c)(5) which was added to our Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act via Section 410(b) of the Food and Drug Modernization Act which clearly shows me that once again, in deference to the will of multinational corporations, the FDA is attempting to UTTERLY IGNORE the will of the American people who made the fax machines of the Senate Labor Committee run out of paper and ink in '97 when we DEMANDED that the FDA Modernization Act of 1997 be specifically amended to EXEMPT dietary supplements from the harmonization language in that bill which effects everything ELSE regulated by the FD&C Act, but due to our amendment NOT vitamins and minerals.

The US FDA has NOT heard the END of this matter, Dr.Grossklaus, and as long as you continue to be disrespectful towards Dr.Rath, and to threaten the man with ARREST rather than examine the TRUTH of his scientific accomplishments, there will be DEMONSTRATORS in the STREET.

There is NOTHING scientific about either the GERMAN position on the issue OR the AMERICAN position.
Although the American position is the lesser of the two evils, it is STILL EVIL and it is STILL GROSSLY UNSCIENTIFIC!!! Vitamin consumers world wide want FREEDOM, not this garbage!

I have Dr.Yetley on VIDEOTAPE from the second of two pre Codex meeting in Washington DC ADMITTING by her silence that she has never read Dr.Rick Malter's rebuttal to the grossly unscientific paper "A Risk Assessment Model for Establishing Upper Levels for Nutrients" which I STILL encourage all of you to read. You will find it at alongside the NAS paper, which we can't help but notice was paid for via pharmacuetical funding, including funding from Hoffman La Roche which the US Dept. of Justice fined $500,000,000. for engaging in illegal price fixing in the sale of vitamin raw materials. Don't you think it might cross people's minds that the pharmaceutical funders of the NAS paper might be trying to use CODEX to make an end run around the US Congress, the US courts, and the WILL of the American people?

Science has never been discussed relative to vitamins and minerals, much less relative to herbs, or other dietary supplements inside the two Codex meetings I HAVE attended, and this pathetic trend CONTINUES!

The only science discussed in Berlin relative to this issue was discussed in Dr.Rath's Conference held on June 18th, which both of you were invited to but failed to attend. If you HAD attended, you could have met COUNTLESS people who have recovered from heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and numerous other serious ailments via the help of Dr.Rath and several other physicians who have embraced the truth about the healing properties of dietary supplements. I urge you to carefully examine the photos from Dr.Rath's protest march, conference, and demonstration at

Everyone on the IAHF email distribution list all over the world knows that you aren't interested in hearing the truth any more than you're interested in taking a look at Dr.Rath's US Patent #5,278,189 [Prevention and Treatment of Occlusive Cardiovascular Disease With Ascorbate and Substances that Inhibit the Binding of Lipoprotein(a) see ited_states_patent_patent_numb.htm, except for purposes of suppression. The largest sale of pharmaceutical profits lies in the sale of useless, dangerous heart drugs such as calcium channel blockers and beta antagonists, so you want to block our access to vitamins and minerals within the therapeutic range in order to protect those immoral profits.

In the name of GOD, Creator of the vitamins and herbs who gave them to us for our use, the only solution to this situation is to STOP all work on trying to develop a Codex standard for vitamins and minerals. Leave this issue STRICTLY up to national authorities to decide.

We all realize that the ruling elite are trying to force all nations into a world government, and we see them trying to disarm the American people in order to try to force the immoral, unscientific dictates of the Pharma Cartel down the throats of vitamin consumers world wide, but as long as real Americans such as actor Mel Gibson keep making movies such as "The Patriot" which was just released on the weekend before the 4th of July, to remind people of our heritage, and how we broke free of England via a violent revolution, the true spirit of Freedom which resulted in the Proxmire Vitamin Revolt of 1974, and the DSHEA Vitamin Revolt of 1994 will never be suppressed.

There is only ONE (1) solution to this problem: All efforts to build consensus towards passage of a Codex vitamin standard must immediately CEASE.

The US Congress must immediately take steps to enforce Paragraph (c)(5) of Section 803 of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, which was added by section 410(b) of the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997 (FDAMA).

In a letter dated June 16, 2000 L.Robert Lake of FDA clearly indicates that the FDA is unwilling to honor the will of the American people who made the fax machines of the Senate Labor Committee run out of paper and ink when they demanded that this amendment be put into place in order to protect us from harmonization to an obviously highly restrictive Codex vitamin standard that is clearly intended to undermine US vitamin laws.

Senator Hatch, Congressman Burton, Congressman Paul, please: take notice. Oversight on the Codex Vitamin issue is badly needed. The FDA failed to uphold US law at the CCNFSDU meeting in Berlin, and there is no tranparency in these proceedings.

For the Public Health,
John C. Hammell, President, International Advocates for Health Freedom
License # 032510-33, American Media Association
Associate Member Title: Life Extension Magazine.

At 05:02 PM 6/13/00 +0200, you wrote:
Dear Mr Hammell,

since the American Media Association is a private organisation without any official proof it is not possible to register you as a journalist. What we need is an international Press Pass an a letter of the editor of the media you are working with. Secondly it is not yet decided, wether the press will be able to attend the meeting or not. This decision has to be made by the codex secretary. We hope at least, thatthere will be a Press Conference during the week.


J=FCrgen Kundke
Press Officer BgVV

Juergen- what is your fax number? I'll gladly fax you my press pass! I have used it in the USA, Canada, and S.Africa with no problems in the past. I'm sure you'll find my press pass quite satisfactory as it contains all the official proof anyone has ever wanted from me in the past. What press association isn't private? AP and UPI aren't government bodies, and AMA isn't any less official than they are.

At the CCNFSDU meeting in Berlin in '98 you had a whole section in the back set aside for reporters, and there was no shortage of space either. I'm sure you must realize that these proceedings are of great interest to people all over the world. Wouldn't it best serve the public image of the BgVV if there was a high level of transparency in these proceedings?

It seems to me that it would. Observe what happened at the Seattle WTO Ministerial Conference. Due to a perceived lack of transparency in Seattle, angry demonstrators almost entirely shut down the WTO meeting. What happened in Seattle could have been avoided if people perceived the WTO to be an honest, open body with nothing to hide and complete transparency and accountability in its procedures and meetings. My press pass has been honored by the FDA when I've covered their events in Washington DC, including their preliminary Codex meeting.

I feel certain that you will find it quite satisfactory. Please let me know your fax number and I'll fax it right to you. Please inform the Chairman that I have a non refundable air ticket to Berlin that I bought a long time ago, and I leave on Saturday to fly across the Atlantic. Please help me to plan my trip. I feel certain that the BgVV will wish to be hospitable to a member of the press who will be traveling such a long distance for the purpose of covering this important meeting.

What is your fax number- I'll fax my press pass right over to you.

John C. Hammell, license # 032510-33, American Media Association
Associate Member Title: Life Extension Magazine.