To: IAHF List
Subject: Magazine Cover Story Alerts Vitamin Consumers re Codex
Date: 11 Jan 2004 22:02:00 -0000

IAHF List: We finally have a cover story in a magazine about our global struggle to defend our acccess to dietary supplements, and I need your urgent help to get it around to more people.

Last summer Robin Falkov on the IAHF list managed to get the attention of Greg Ciola, Publisher of The Crusador, a small vitamin company in Florida which is unusually committed to fighting the horrible injustices all of us are being subjected to by the Pharma Cartel and their political toadies.

Greg interviewed me last summer for a very long time, making what has been the most sincere effort anyone has ever made in the supplement industry to contact me in an effort to REALLY UNDERSTAND what is going on with Codex and the EU FSD, and most importantly, HOW WE CAN FIGHT BACK AND WIN!!

To me, Greg Ciola is a breath of fresh air in an industry which all too often is asleep and not paying attention. His "radar" is up and running and we need to take the interview he did of me and spread it far and wide- as rapidly as possible or we won't be able to awaken this sleeping industry and consumers FAST ENOUGH to stop the unfolding pharma destruction of the supplement industry.

I don't have a staff of people here folks. I need your help:

Please go to
and download the cover story from the Crusader Magazine titled
"Europe Declares War Against Supplements!! Directive to Ban Many Products! (Is American Next?)

You will need a recent version of Adobe's program called Acrobat Reader to be able to view the graphics in this article. It is a free download. If you don't have it on your computer or need to upgrade to it, you can at


I need your urgent help to disseminate the information from this article as rapidly as possible to vitamin companies, health food stores, friends and anyone who can help us raise $20,000. for the next stage of the ANH lawsuit. Please!!! Forward this email! Download the article, print out as many hard copies as you can, staple the pages, go to your yellow pages and make a list of every health food store within driving distance of your house. Hand carry the article to them and URGE them to read it, and to TAKE ACTION!

Print it out and mail copies to the companies whose products you buy.
Don't leave it to ME to do all of this work for YOU, it's physically way more than any one person can do - so don't EXPECT me to.

Time is of the essence. ANH will be in court on January 30th in the High Court of Justice in London, England. They need $20,000. in donatoins to sustain their legal effort. I will be in the courtroom to observe the proceedings, and to work directly with ANH before, during and afterwards.

I'll have a very thorough report for everyone about what happens.

If ANH wins, we live to fight another day. We go on to the European Court of Justice in Luxemborg, where we have a chance to overturn the EU Food Supplement Directive, and monkeywrench the Cartel's agenda at Codex.

We have to think positively.

Recently I did a radio show about this situation, and a caller to the show remarked that all the Judges in the European courts are Freemasons (implying that we cannot possibly win.)

We can't afford to think that way, far too much is at stake. Giving up is NEVER an option. We are the fief, the drum, and the guy with the bandage around his head. We're the underdogs. We MUST try HARDER.

ANH has the best lawfirm in the EU in their corner, and they've been working long, hard hours to prepare their case. Sometimes we just have to take a leap of faith and TRUST that if we do our due diligence, the TRUTH may yet prevail. This is a spiritual battle.

ANH deserves, but have not been getting the support of every vitamin consumer, health food store owner, and vitamin company owner in the world. This is mostly because people are being kept in the dark, but we now have THIS ARTICLE, a powerful LIGHT to shine into the DARKNESS, so please USE IT! Use it or LOSE IT!

Each of you who receives this has an awesome responsability on your shoulders, and I hope you fully realize that, because sometimes its hard for me to know if my words are being heard and acted on or not.

The fate of future generations rests on our shoulders. Do NOT leave it to me, or to OTHERS to do your share of the work in alerting more people. You do that, and we're TOAST. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that because you can go into an American health food store, and get anything you need that the things I'm saying can't POSSIBLY be true.

De-nile, its not just a river in Egypt.

Some of you seem to think I have a staff of people here who I can delegate things to, and I am inundated with emails and phone calls of ideas and suggestions. However well meant, I can only do so much.... At the end of the day, I have to be able to SLEEP at night.

While I always appreciate ideas and suggestions, what would help me a lot more right now is if MORE of you would take the time to engage in DIRECT ACTION.


I need you to read the interview Greg Ciola, publisher of the Crusader Magazine did with me discussing the ANH lawsuit and the Codex issue so that you can fully understand what is going on, and be able to explain it to more people.

I need you to forward the url of the article to as many people as you possibly can, and strongly urge them to make a donation to the Alliance for Natural Health via their website at

I need you to educate people- please download the article and take it in hard copy form to hand out to owners and managers of health food stores.

Strongly encourage them to read it- their businesses are being threatened by a chain of events which they have never been awakened to because their trade associations are being controlled from the top-down by pharmaceutical interests which are ACTIVELY keeping them IN THE DARK!!!

Encourage more people to take an ACTIVE role in spreading this information.

We don't have the money the drug companies have, and we don't control the media and the courts the way they try to, so we have no CHOICE but to go the EXTRA MILE to convey this URGENT MESSAGE

Greg Ciola went out on a limb to interview me. The best way to thank him, and to thank me is to get copies of this information to as many people as you possibly can because the Pharma Cartel has the supplement industry squarely in their gun sights.

They have hired the best and brightest PR minds in the world to plan their hoped for takeover, and if we want to stop it, we better get off our fat asses and spring into motion.

Sorry if you think thats too harsh, but I don't know what else to say.

The clock is ticking. ANH will be in court on January 30th, and we need to raise $20,000. and awaken a LOT more people to what is going on, and what CAN be done to stop it. I KNOW we CAN DO this.

I don't want any more suggestions as to what you think I should try to do. I am inundated with them, with no staff to delegate anything to. If you want to email me, please let me know what YOU are doing to HELP ME spread the word!

For Health Freedom,
John C. Hammell, President
International Advocates for Health Freedom
556 Boundary Bay Road
Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA
800-333-2553 N.America
360-945-0352 World